According to NPD Group, the best selling smartphones from April through June (Q2), all happened to be devices that launched last year and not this year. So, even though we saw some great devices like the Motorola Atrix, HTC Thunderbolt and LG G2X — none of these managed take the top spot from last year’s heavy hitters. Here’s the tops:
- Apple iPhone 4
- Apple 3GS
- HTC Inspire 4G
While at first I struggled to wrap my head around this info, it’s now easy to see that the reason for the iPhone 4 taking #1 is because it the phone continues to be reintroduced over and over to consumers. First on Verizon, then later as a newer white version. Say what you will about Apple and their evil phone, Jobs definitely knows to squeeze every last drop out of his cash cow. The Apple 3GS saw a big price drop this year too making it appealing for those with AT&T who are on a budget.
What I found most interesting was the fact that even though Sprint is the 3rd largest carrier in the U.S., their HTC Evo 4G still managed to sell better than any other Android handset in the Q2. A simple explanation could be that because this was arguably the “best” phone in Sprint’s lineup up it left consumers with little choice for anything else until the Evo 3D’s release in July (Q3). When it comes to the HTC Inspire 4G, in my short time working with Best Buy Mobile, I saw Inspires fly off store shelves thanks in part to its higher-end specs but with an affordable $50 price sticker.
What did you guys think about these results? Were you expecting a different Android handset to come out on top? Are consumers catching on to the dual-core hype? Which Android device do you predict to take the top spot in Q3?
[Via Splatf]