Gizmodo’s latest piece is certainly one that’s got “weekend” written all over it, since it talks about President Obama, who apparently owns an iPad. There’s no confirmation that this image is real, although it comes from the Flickr gallery of the White House… However, we’ll have to actually see the head of state use the device and not be photographed with it laying around.
Wouldn’t it be funny if we learned that this is in fact an iPad knockoff made in China? Or see the president tomorrow with a Xoom and then an Acer Iconia Tab? Be that as it may, the fact that such a high placed official owns an iPad is a trendsetting reason these days. I would have thought that Barack is an Android man, but nobody’s perfect right?
Related posts:
- President Obama Caught on iPad 2 Camera by Star Director Spike Lee
- President Obama Signs Apple iPad; Discusses Economics With Steve Jobs
- President Obama Signs an iPad… Again, This Time in Europe (Video)