Apple has long been the target of criticism over their labor practices, specifically, at overseas factories like Foxconn where harsh working conditions, accidents and suicide rates for Chinese laborers working in these factories have all made headline. Foxconn even had to go as far as installing safety nets along the sides of their buildings to help thwart would-be jumpers. A few months ago, there was also an app “game,” later pulled from the App Store, attempting to shed light on this issue, only to eventually find itself land in the Android Market, where it currently remains.
After news that Apple was sitting on a $97 billion cash pile, twiddling their thumbs, a renewed effort is being led by Apple “fanboys” no less, who have taken to online petitions to raise even more awareness. The hopes are that Apple will use some of this money to force suppliers like Foxconn into improving their working conditions. But as so often is the case, that’s easier said than done.
The thing is, it’s not only Apple who uses Foxconn to make their products. That shiny new Kindle Fire you received for Christmas — guess what? It was built in a Foxconn factory just like the iPad 2. It’s true. Many of your favorite Android OEM’s (and even console manufacturers) are current Foxconn employers. To show you Apple isn’t alone in this, here’s a list of a few of them, 10 of which are US based, and mixed in with other big name manufacturers.
- Acer Inc. (Taiwan)
- Amazon.com (United States)
- Asus (Taiwan)
- Barnes & Noble (United States)
- Dell (United States)
- Hewlett-Packard (United States)
- Intel (United States)
- IBM (United States)
- Lenovo (China)
- Logitech (Switzerland)
- Microsoft (United States)
- MSI (Taiwan)
- Motorola (United States)
- Netgear (United States)
- Nintendo (Japan)
- Nokia (Finland)
- Panasonic (Japan)
- Philips (Netherlands)
- Samsung (South Korea)
- Sharp (Japan)
- Sony Ericsson (Japan/Sweden)
- Toshiba (Japan)
- Vizio (United States)
And while it can be argued that Apple is a much more grueling task master, I think it’s safe to say the rest of these OEM’s aren’t really helping matters either. Keep in mind I’m not saying we should all run out and grab our picket signs but I just felt it was interesting that people seemingly hold Apple to some sort of “higher standard” than other big name companies like Nintendo or Motorola. Is it fair? Not really. Is there a need for change? 100% yes. Can Apple do it alone? Probably not.
Back in the day, apparel companies like Nike were forced to improve their labor conditions after public outcry and I can only hope these online petitions will catch the attention of Android OEM’s as well. Something needs to be done to improve working conditions for the factory workers at Foxconn and my heart most certainly goes out to them. Since most Android users already boycott Apple products out of devotion to all things Google, you can still further help by signing the online petitions linked below. It’s your duty as a world citizen (yep, I just went there).
Thanks, Noonehereyet!
[Change.Org | SumOfUs.Org]