Some were concerned that RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook might not play with you that long, because of its short battery life. Well, RIM went out and stated that the device won’t have any problems and will even provide a full day of functioning, according to senior product manager Ryan Bidden.
We’re talking about a 5,300mAh battery providing juice for the QNX-based device, that was demoed at CES 2011 and is supposed to be available in a 4G version later on. This is a non-user replaceable battery that was initially supposed to last 8 hours, at least officially, but RIM is aiming for going a full day with it.
Right now, the Samsung Galaxy Tab’s power source provides less than 8 hours, while the iPad is pretty decent, with its 10 hours of functioning time.
Related posts:
- BlackBerry PlayBook Announced for Sprint in 4G WiMAX Version
- BlackBerry PlayBook New Demo Available; Shows Flash and HTML5 in Action (Video)
- BlackBerry PlayBook Pricing Now Official – Starting from $399
this guys are really messing up AGAIN. they really need to step up their marketing efforts. Especially with the upcoming xoom tablet they cannot afford to not be competing.
i cant wait for the day nokia moves to Android.. Oh yes its coming.
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