If you’re looking for a business tablet and you haven’t been scared off by the poor reviews of the BlackBerry PlayBook, than you can purchase this device starting today. It retails for $500 in the 16GB WiFi version and you’ll pay $600 for the 32GB one. An extra $100 brings you 64GB of storage.
3G and 4G models will be coming during the year, plus Android apps and other cool features. Right now, Amazon sells the product for $50 to $100 extra per unit and if you’re curious about the initial reviews of the product, know that they criticize the fact that this feels more like a BlackBerry handset companion, than a standalone tablet, although it has its advantages.
The innovative QNX platform is a welcome addition, but we’ll have to wait for the response of the business segment, before considering this device a failure or a success.
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