RIM finally managed to surpass Apple in something else than the smartphone market: its beloved PlayBook tablet will have a longer battery life than the iPad. The product will debut later this quarter and we’ve got Reuters quoting RIM’s Jeff McDowell, praising the battery of the slate.
McDowell says that the power source of the device will be equal or greater than the one on the iPad, plus it’s going to be a smaller battery. PlayBook will also come with 4,000 third party apps, available at launch, a very impressive feat, one that would even make Windows Phone 7 jealous.
The same RIM representative mentioned that there will also be a BlackBerry Balance work/personal separation system available on North American soil in 2 months time. Carriers are working on it right now and if you’re curious about the battery life of the PlayBook, the image in this article is pretty clear.
Related posts:
- BlackBerry PlayBook Battery Supposed to Last a Full Day?
- Get a Free BlackBerry PlayBook For Creating Tablet Apps
- BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet to Support Upgrades Via Module Cavity
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