Lenovo intends to create a new business unit, that will focus on smartphones and tablets, according to a recent The Wall Street Journal piece. This new unit will be called the “Mobile Internet and Digital Home Business Group” and it’ll also handle cloud computing and smart TVs.
Through this move, the Asian company wants to expand its product portofolio and increase expertise, as they reach out to more customers and more markets. Lenovo’s COO, Rory Read is saying that the next 12 or 18 months will be very important to the business and you should expect to be puzzled by the slates and smartphones coming from the biggest PC maker in China.
Related posts:
- Lenovo to Launch Business Tablet
- No Lenovo Tablet on the US Market Till Android 3.5/4.0 is Released
- Lenovo LePad to Reach the US in 2011
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