Samsung has officially given up launching AMOLED-based tablets this year, although previously they confirmed a 7 inch Super AMOLED Galaxy Tab follow-up for mid-2011. One of the execs from the company was quoted in Korean paper ddaily saying AMOLED technology will be postponed for slate use, probably as the smartphones require more and more units.
There’s a new plant that should start production this year, releasing 7 inch and bigger AMOLED panels, plus smaller units for PMPs and handsets. However, we must also think about the component delays caused by the Japanese quake, adding up to 3 months to the roadmap in delays, according to Samsung.
A Super AMOLED 7 inch tablet prototype was demoed back in November 2010, but we haven’t heard anything since…
Related posts:
- Samsung Preparing 7 Inch Super AMOLED Screens for Tablets
- Samsung Android Tablet (S-Pad) Packs a 7 Inch Super AMOLED Display, Coming in August?
- Next-Gen Galaxy Tab Slate to Feature a 7 inch Super AMOLED Display (Video)