NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Juang, the guy you can see right here with the tattoo recently explained his theory concerning the poor sales of Android tablets. Apparently, the price is the one to blame, so cheaper models are needed. With iPad the dominant product in this segment, it’s hard to come up with a competitive product these days.
Just look at how bad the first Honeycomb tablet Motorola Xoom failed, since according to analysts this model sold at best 120,000 units and at worst 25,000. Nvidia is the maker of the Tegra SOC solution that powers the Xoom, so it has all the reasons to speak up. The company’s frustrations include the lack of expertise at retail, lack of proper marketing and proper pricing.
Right now Motorola Xoom costs $599 in the most basic version, compared to the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer, at $399 and the iPad 2 at $499, both in the base version. Huang says that tablet makers should focus on WiFi only slates, that are more affordable and he also reminds everyone of the very few Honeycomb apps out there…
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